Health & Wealth for Humans and Their Animals

Animal Communication —– Getting the “BIG PICTURE”

this could've been Fanny, giving me and Susan the "big picture."

Once I had finally decided to set my sites on really and truly becoming an animal communicator, doors started to blow open. If you’ve read previous posts on this blog, you know that I believe that our will and intention are just about our strongest allies for manifesting thoughts into reality. Well …  and focusing on what you want instead of what you don’t want. That’s super important too.

But back to those doors.

I will never forget the experiences I had in an advanced animal communication class after I had really set my intention to talk to the animals.

Information from the animals comes in many forms. Some of the most common are pictures, sounds, thoughts, words, emotions, and physical feelings. The first three are seen and heard in your mind, the latter two are actually felt in your emotional and physical body.

But there is another, larger, way of receiving information from animals, and that is what I experienced over and over again in the advanced workshop: getting the BIG PICTURE or the “gestalt” of the situation, all in one fell swoop. It’s like getting the whole chapter of a book at once instead of having to read line by line, paragraph by paragraph. It is the be-all-end-all — the whole enchilada.

In this workshop, we were working in pairs doing problem solving with pictures of animals brought by other workshop participants. Each pair didn’t know anything about the background of the animal’s problem, but the person who brought the picture did. The problem was laid out in detail to each pair, and then the pair sat silently with the picture and made their own individual notes about their conversation with the animal.

My partner was Susan, and she and I were working with a donkey, Fanny. I no longer remember the details Fanny showed us because this was soooo many years ago, but when we compared our notes we were dumbstruck because the story we each had gotten from the donkey was identical to the other’s! Needless to say, we were so excited we were about to wet our pants!

This happened over and over in the workshop, for almost every participant. We were all blown away, and our instructor was too. She had rarely seen this kind of sudden and overnight progress in her students. It was a super high, and each time it happened the person who brought the picture was able to confirm the information that had been received.

Wow! We were on our way to becoming real animal communicators!

What was happening in that workshop was that we were all,  for whatever reason, being blessed with the ability to get the big picture — or the gestalt — of the situation at hand. Some say (and I believe this, by the way) that there is an Animal Council of spirits that oversees the work of animal communication, and that its sanction is necessary to really doing a good job in the field. Our teacher that day felt the Council had placed a big rubber stamp on our particular class and blown open the doors for us to share, for the first time, the mind-blowing experience of “just knowing.”

You can label this kind of understanding as a “gestalt” experience or as “just knowing,” but either way it is the absolute best and most incredible way to receive information about any given situation with an animal.

That said, my clients LOVE the blow-by-blow, sentence-by-sentence translation I give them via written transcript of my session with their animal. I love those too. But getting the big picture is really where it’s at in terms of filling in all those blanks about what’s really going on, so if you work with an animal communicator, I hope you get this part of the (big) picture too.