Basically, animal communication is a telepathic process. The great philosopher Carl Jung once said that we are all part of the same cosmic consciousness—we all share the exact same psychic awareness. Think of one drop of water in the sea. That one drop is part and parcel of exactly what makes up the entire ocean, and conceivably could move around to any part of that great ocean, experiencing each place it goes. Or, it could expand and become a cup of water or a bucket of water, encompassing even more “ocean essence.”
In the same way, we can expand our own awareness to include much more than we usually perceive. In theory, our capacity for expansion is limitless. Most of us have the gift of understanding — and sometimes even seeing, hearing, or feeling — other forms of energy when we are children. These “abnormal” perceptions are conditioned out of us, usually by the time we are four or five years old, and are labeled inappropriate, so they are slowly shut down. Many civilizations and cultures, however, have included this ability in their “normal” day-to-day life, and have revered those individuals whose perceptive talents were particularly well honed. Learning to communicate with other life forms such as animals or plants is basically a reopening of this natural gift.
If you have the desire and intent to regain what is your natural birthright — an expanded awareness — you can reopen this marvelous world. The work we animal and plant communicators do is based in love and joy and honor for all, and it is revelatory to find that almost all we reach out and touch are as eager to share with us as we are with them. A sense of reverence and respect is engendered, as we all begin to realize the uniqueness and integrity of each drop of water in the ocean, and yet to truly feel how we are all part of the same essence.
Read CODE OF ETHICS for animal communicators
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