I’ll never forget the first time I noticed this. I was lying on my bed, in an old abandoned Texas farmhouse I had bought and brought up to livable condition. It had been the homestead on a large, old cattle ranch in central Texas and was built in the late 1800’s. In the 60’s the ranch was sold and developed into 5- to 20-acre plots. I had come across the old place, which was nestled on six acres bordering a large spring-fed pool, and fell in love with it. It was very magical.
The place came with lots of spirits, and lots of strange things happened during the 13 years I lived there.
It was that first year, and I was lying on my high, antique, four-poster bed one evening, probably reading. My grey cat Rose hopped up beside me for a little attention. But she was quickly distracted and walked over to the far edge of the bed, very alert, where she sat down and started watching something I couldn’t see. It was clearly up in the air, a little higher than we were, and she sat watching it for about 10 minutes or so. You know how cats move their whole head when they watch something. Well, hers was swinging right and left wildly, going in circles and zig-zags. It was as if an invisible mouse was turning acrobatic flips in the air right in front of her!
It really gave me the heeby-jeebies. At first I didn’t think too much of it. But then I started watching her watching “it” (or “them”), and before too many minutes slowly edged myself out of the bed and into another room. I continued to watch Rose as she observed the invisible spectacle, which she did until it either left or she was satisfied, at which point she turned around, curled up, and went to sleep. Whoever it was, and whatever she’d been watching obviously didn’t bother her at all.
This was about 20 years ago so was around the same time I was beginning my animal communication practice in earnest. As I became more adept at communication over the next couple of years and built up a history of a few hundred cases, I realized that what I had observed was apparently not too uncommon: an animal seeing spirits or ghosts, or perhaps fairies or other kinds of energies. And all kinds of animals reported it, not just cats.
Here is an example of the kind of thing animals have shown and told me over the years. This is from a session I did in 2005 because the subject dog, Maggie, had started acting very strangely – nervous and anxious and barking a lot.
L: Maggie, I feel that you are anxious about something and a little nervous, expectant? And like that keeps you somewhat upset. Can you tell or show me why?
M: Maggie shows me there is energy on the property that should not be there. I see it in the backyard, as if through her eyes: wavy energy. The impression she conveys to me is that it has not always been there.
L: Does it move around?
M: Yes.
L: Has it always been there?
M: No. And sometimes it wants to go in the house.
L: Can you help me by identifying this energy? Can you tell if it’s from a person or not?
M: She thinks it is. It is a “visitor.” She feels she needs to try to watch it all the time, though it’s not like she can really “see” it all the time. She feels it more than anything else.
L: I understand. And this is a new thing?
M: Yes. It came one night.
L: All of a sudden?
M: Yes.
L: How were you aware of it?
M: When I went outside it was there (she shows me it was dark then).
The session went on from there, and it took some weeks for Linda to figure out what was going on energetically in her back yard and take care of it. The explanation was a vortex, which seemed to have become a “high-traffic” area for ghosts or spirits. Fortunately, Linda did not doubt what Maggie had told us so immediately enlisted the aid of someone who works with this kind of phenomenon, and the problem was taken care of very quickly. After the vortex was closed, things went back to normal, and Maggie returned to her easy-going self.
Hard to believe? Maybe. But I’ve handled way too many such cases over the years to doubt them any more, and many times the animals have helped solve nebulous, long-existing problems that no one else could explain.
So if you are having odd occurrences and think you may have a ghost or a poltergeist, you might consider asking your dog or cat to check the situation out for you!
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