Health & Wealth for Humans and Their Animals

Category: Personal Stuff

The Power of Intention

As all good friends know, I had a meltdown when I lost my guardian angel Great Pyrenees, Bear, on October 12th. By the end of September, the writing was on the wall, I was going under emotionally, and so I put myself on a strictly […]

Existing in Bear Time

I haven’t posted in a long time. Over three months to be exact–not since early July. It’s been a period of stagnation and lack of inspiration. So I have put myself on an indefinite leave of absence, from work, from life, from who-knows-what. It’s a […]

Practicing Gratefulness and Forgiveness

This is one of my favorite morning coffee spots, and today, soaking up its beauty, I was meditating on what gifts we can offer ourselves that make us feel whole and full of grace. Gratefulness came first, because I was feeling full of it as […]

Narcolepsy? Insomnia? Other Sleep Problems?

Has anybody else gone into serious hibernation mode this winter? Maybe it’s because we’re having more snow and cold than usual here in Northern New Mexico, but all I have to do is think about or look at my bed, and I can be out […]

Square Peg in a Round Hole – What is YOUR Healing Journey Like?

I recently had the most startling memory. I was chopping up sweet potatoes and broccoli for my dogs’ natural diet when it came to me. I have never had this memory before, and it must have been from when I was three or four years […]

Tithing vs. Paying It Forward

I woke up this morning with this heavy on my mind, I’m not sure why. Perhaps it was because of the Facebook post I saw last night where my friend who, against all odds, was fronting her own small postcard campaign to eradicate and make […]

Death Means Life

Today was a rare and magical day where we had a total eclipse of the sun, converging with a new moon, coinciding with the spring equinox. I knew it was a momentous time, and I felt I was not making the best of it. And […]

Do Mustangs Have a “Group Mind?”

Something happened today that brought this question to mind. No. It brought something like a KNOWING to mind: that Mustangs–even those domesticated and in captivity–share what’s known as a “group mind.” If you’ve ever watched a large school of fish swimming, or birds flying, then […]

Flower Essences for Life’s Challenges

I used to have an herb store on the outskirts of Austin, Texas. One of the services I provided there was custom “readings” and blends of flower essences to help my customers with their emotional aches and pains. Flower essences are vibrational preparations that are […]

The Greatest Thanksgiving Blessing:“The Act of Being Fed”

As we prepare for one of this country’s most beloved holidays, I have been reflecting on what makes it so special. We gather with friends and family, excitedly prepare our favorite dishes of the year, and eat our hearts out. While feeding my kitten this […]