Health & Wealth for Humans and Their Animals

Category: Personal Stuff

Afterlife as an Afterthought?

You know how, if you ask somebody if they believe in Heaven or an afterlife, they usually say they don’t know? They just don’t know. They haven’t figured it out yet, or haven’t decided yet …  or just don’t believe in anything. This always astounds […]

Ah . . . Back in the Saddle!

Well, not exactly, but fingers and toes crossed. This is my “mustang who thinks she’s hot stuff,” according to Copper the Quarter Horse, but who yes, did indeed buck someone off last weekend for the first time in her entire tenure as a riding horse. […]

I Guess There’s A First Time For Everything

As Told by Copper, the 32-Yr.-Old Quarter Horse. See this picture of my herd mate, Bella? She’s a Mustang, so she thinks she’s hot stuff!           Now look at this picture of me, Copper.                 […]

Gardening With Nature Spirits

When it came time to think about the garden this year, lo’ and behold the bindweed had completely taken over my raised-bed gardens. The master gardener, Joan, I had out to help advise me suggested we cover those beds with weed barrier and leave them […]

Animals Come Straight from the Heart – I Wish We Humans Did

You know when your dog is sad — he doesn’t hide it. And he’s just not going to feel better until you love him up and tell him it’s okay. And by the time you do,  you’re both so happy to be beyond the upset […]

When to Keep Your Trap Shut

This is a tough one. Especially when you are, ahem, “serving” in a professional capacity. Here are a few suggestions for when to keep your mouth shut: *  When you don’t know what to say. *  When it is none of your business. *  When […]

Miracles Really DO Happen — at least they do to me . . .

Once upon a time, in the middle of the 20th century, a beautiful nature spirit was born, in the form of a human woman. This woman was named Susan Hertel and she spoke to all of nature and painted it as well, and became quite […]

Appreciation is the Name of the Game

My mantra for the last few years has been simple: To live life well. I am not “religious” in the way our culture views that term, and I don’t know the Bible well, but I do know that one of Christ’s urgings to his followers […]

How is Horse Training Like Religion? . . . and what does this have to do with Easter?

While building up the fire at dawn and cuddling Frida, who, God bless her soul, had slept through the night again, I was listening to an Easter program on National Public Radio. The interviewer was talking to Jewish rabbis, Christian pastors, and others as well […]

Get Back on the Horse!

Ah . . . that phrase is used for so many things in our culture. When you hit a bad bump in life, or experience a major setback, get a divorce, lose a parent, just have a bad day . . . ya gotta get […]