Health & Wealth for Humans and Their Animals

Category: Thoughts About Animal Communication

Yes Dorothy, Even You Can Communicate With Animals!

Everybody can communicate with animals if they want to. Most of us do all the time, at least those of us who have animals and love them and treat them like family. Yet when the subject of “animal communication” as a special skill or profession […]

Animal Reincarnation

Some of the hardest cases I handle are the goodbyes — where an animal has come to the end of his life, or his life has been ended suddenly and unexpectedly, and he and his person must both deal with the grief of physical separation. […]

So You Want To Be An Animal Communicator? Part II – Focus For 17 Seconds!

Yesterday I suggested the “Pink Bubble Technique” as a visualization for manifesting what you want in your life. In that exercise you meditatively placed a picture of something you badly want inside a pink bubble and sent it off to float around the universe and […]

So You Want To Be An Animal Communicator? Part I – Think Pink

By now probably just about everybody has heard the phrase “law of attraction.” What this means, basically, is that we create, or attract into our lives, whatever we focus on. If this is true, then you obviously don’t want to spend a lot of time […]

Will the Real Pronghorn Antelope Please Stand Up?

Animal communicators are sometimes asked to talk to wild animals. Say, mice, or maybe snakes … or fleas, for instance. Although I doubt anyone thinks of  fleas as wild animals, it is fairly obvious why they sometimes might need a talkin-to. So, what if you […]

What’s In A Name? Well . . . Remember the Song “Wildfire”?

Remember the famous song “Wildfire,” by Michael Martin Murphy, in the mid-70’s? It was about a horse who lived up to his name. A taste of the lyrics and story: “Oh they say she died one winter when there came a killin’ frost, and the […]

A Heart-to-Heart Meditation to Help You Find Your Lost Animal

There is nothing sadder than losing an animal. The grief and anguish that accompany this kind of loss are almost unbearable. Unlike death, you don’t know for sure what condition or situation your animal is in, so all kinds of visions and awful scenarios take […]

So You Don’t Believe in Animal Communication

Well you’re not alone. There are many non-believers — just like there are about God and taxes. But wouldn’t it be a boring world if we all believed in exactly the same things and never questioned reality? We may THINK everybody else should share our […]

The “Doubt” Box

Continuing on the theme of my last post: trusting what you get when you’re communicating with an animal — here’s my favorite exercise to help you achieve that. I’ve used it in every workshop I’ve ever taught and not only is it fun and fanciful […]

When You Talk to Animals, Trust Yourself!

The most difficult hurdle when learning animal communication seems to be trusting what you get — for everyone. Almost every student, when reporting on their practice conversations with animals, qualifies her report with, “Well, I don’t know if I just made this up, or . […]