Health & Wealth for Humans and Their Animals

Category: Thoughts About Animal Communication

“Beam Me Up, Scottie . . . but please keep me safe!”

When you start traveling outside your body, while awake or asleep, you want to be careful. This includes extending your consciousness to communicate with an animal telepathically.  There’s all kinds of stuff floating around on certain planes you may traverse, plus there are other forms […]

How to Have a Soul-to-Soul Conversation With Your Periscope

Yesterday I talked about getting permission from your subject before moving psychically into his or her space for an animal communication exercise I was suggesting you try. This is always important, no matter what you are doing in the psychic realm. In an animal communication […]

Hearing the Animals

Almost without exception, the first quandary a new student of animal communication poses goes something like this: “I feel like my animal is hearing what I’m telling him, but I don’t feel like I’m hearing what he’s trying to tell me!” One woman at a […]

The African Elephant — A Nation in Peril — Part One

In the late spring of 2004, my brother, myself, and two friends set off on a 4-week photography safari in southern Africa. A gift to me from my bro, bless his soul. As you can imagine, such a trip was a dream come true for […]

Animal Communication – Kali Tells Us What Heaven Is Like

I had a most wonderful chat with a cat, Kali, this past week. Kali had passed over, with help from her beloved person, Ellie, on April 29th after struggling with heart disease for quite some time, and she talked to me from what I can […]

Talking to Lost Animals

I received the following comment in response to my last blog, “Talking to Departed Spirits.” “Hi Leta, What about lost animals? How can you tell whether they are alive or have transitioned? Is there a difference … This is a great question so I wanted […]

Talking to Departed Spirits

Many people wonder if contacting beings who have died is possible. And there is no simple answer to this question. Each person’s beliefs about the soul and what happens when we die dictate the breadth of his or her experiences in this realm. I personally […]

Do I Hear Voices?

Do animals flag me down on the street? Are they just waiting everywhere to ambush me and have a conversation? I get asked a LOT if I walk around hearing voices or what animals are thinking all the time? The answer is a simple NO. […]

Animals Come Straight from the Heart – I Wish We Humans Did

You know when your dog is sad — he doesn’t hide it. And he’s just not going to feel better until you love him up and tell him it’s okay. And by the time you do,  you’re both so happy to be beyond the upset […]

When to Keep Your Trap Shut

This is a tough one. Especially when you are, ahem, “serving” in a professional capacity. Here are a few suggestions for when to keep your mouth shut: *  When you don’t know what to say. *  When it is none of your business. *  When […]