CBD – A New Frontier in Medicine
Have any of you readers tried CBD yet, since it was legalized a couple of years ago? I have been taking it in oil form for a year-and-a-half with phenomenal results in the areas of pain management and positivity. After an injury 10 years ago, I’ve struggled constantly with pain and have done just about everything known to man to try to ameliorate it. Not one who can tolerate prescription painkillers or opiates, I’ll admit I’ve taken more than my fair share of over-the-counter NSAIDS—not good for the stomach, liver and kidneys!
Although I do still get body work regularly, I can honestly say that those days are bygone now, and taking an aspirin or ibuprofen is rare for me.
I have recently switched to a new CBD oil product which is uniquely processed so is 80% assimilable instead of the usual 10-12%. More on that below, but first, here is some basic information I and a cohort have learned in researching more about this amazing panacea. With her permission, I have borrowed from her blog post.
Just What IS CBD?
Cannabidiol (CBD) is a natural, non-psychoactive constituent of Hemp (Cannabis Sativa) and, although it sounds almost too good to be true, has been found to be effective for a multitude of imbalances, including the following:
- providing pain relief
- decreasing inflammation
- improving sleep
- helping with mood balance & depression
- lowering the severity of seizures or stopping them altogether
- helping control anxiety
- promoting healthy immunity
- supporting nervous system conditions, including Multiple
Schlerosis and Parkinson’s
Cannabidiol (CBD) is completely different from Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the
The Little-Known Endocannabinoid System
Hemp-based CBD oil has the potential to change the way we look at preventing and treating disease, for both ourselves and our animals. Little did I know, until recently, that the body has a system to help do this, called the Endocannabinoid System (ECS).
The Endocannabinoid System (ECS) is a set of receptors throughout the body that helps regulate
homeostasis, or balance.
Discovered in the
The body is actually able to make its own chemicals to activate the ECS. For example, researchers have found that exercise increases the sensitivity of cannabinoid receptors in the part of the brain that activates pleasure. The “runner’s high” that used to be solely attributed to the release of endorphins is actually linked to the ECS. The more we exercise the more the ECS is stimulated to release hormones that create a sense of bliss.
Hemp-based CBD oil is a safe way to activate this system with no concerns about side effects or addictions.
How is CBD Oil Absorbed?
The short answer is that CBD oil is not very well absorbed in the digestive tract. The larger fat molecules do not easily pass through the digestive lining. This is why
The good news is that an amazing technology is making CBD oil more bio-available. It is called nanotechnology and has made it possible for CBD oil to be transformed into tiny, liposomal particles that are absorbed directly through the mucous membranes in the mouth.
The CBD oil I take now is produced using this technology, and, after just a couple of weeks, I am learning that I do not need to take as much of this oil as I did of previous CBD products. I can honestly say I am 90% pain-free now 90% of the time, my mood and outlook are sunny, and OMGosh, my sleep these past few days has been like a bear in hibernation!
Concerns About CBD Oil?
There really are none or very few. But, as great as CBD oil is, it can’t take the place of good health management, so it is as important as ever to follow good health practices in our daily dietary and exercise habits.
CBD oil holds so much promise as a way to enhance our own health and that of our animals. It is a natural compound that impacts the body and mind in a positive way. The option now of having a pharmaceutical grade CBD oil is a real breakthrough for using this product and changing lives.
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