Do you use caffeine, alcohol or drugs to help keep you going? Do you self-medicate to get through the day, to stay sharp, or maybe just to sleep? I’m not talking about addiction, but just that pattern we Type A personalities can fall into when trying to achieve our best: not taking care of ourselves, skipping meals, not getting enough exercise or rest, reaching for the nearest and easiest substitutes for these things… self-medicating.
If you relate to this even a little bit, ask yourself:
“Am I experiencing that sense of well-being and natural energy I once felt?”
We all remember what that feels like, that sense that:
- all is well with the world;
- everything is going to be okay (instead of disastrous);
- nothing is worth worrying about so much that we can’t sleep;
- exercise feels good, not like a chore;
- we look forward to our day;
- we have the energy and mental clarity to accomplish our ‘to-do’ list, plus some left over for just having fun!
If you’d like to cut back on your self-medicating, good for you! We all know that is not an easy row to hoe, and it is often made up of two-steps-forward-one-step-back increments, but just making the decision to do it is the first step. So, decision made, resolve in place, now what?
The very first place to focus is on nutrition. Chances are you are not getting nearly all the nutrients you need to feed your mind and body in order to maintain a normal level of energy and health. With the prevalence of over-processed and fast foods, foods grown in mineral-deficient soil, exposure to herbicides and pesticides, and eating on the run, it’s no wonder our population is increasingly malnourished and overweight. This kind of diet can literally wreck your digestive tract and intestines as well, allowing undigested food particles to enter the bloodstream, which can then lead to many different auto-immune diseases.
So where to start in order to get off the self-medicating, malnourished treadmill? That question alone may be so overwhelming it can compromise your fresh commitment to better health.
One of the easiest ways I’ve found for supplying all those vital nutrients we need (besides eating the vegetables I occasionally grow in my own garden, time and climate allowing) is by eating New Earth’s wild Blue-Green Algae. Within 30 minutes of downing my first algae capsule 20 years ago, I felt, literally, “lit up.” And within six months of just one capsule of algae a day, the multiple allergies I had struggled with for the previous 20 years were completely gone because my immune system was functioning properly again. And all I was trying to do was gain a little energy and improve my health in general!
You can learn lots more about why Blue-Green Algae is so effective HERE, but basically it’s because it’s a natural wild food, in its natural form, that your body recognizes and can assimilate quickly and easily. It thrives in a near-perfect, nutrient-rich environment, in a single-cell form, and is the only food on the planet that contains all 21 amino acids.
Not convinced? Try it. You have nothing to lose except sleepless nights and that lack of joie de vivre (and maybe a little self-medicating), because there’s a 60-day money back guarantee.
Try what I did, all those years ago, in the form of the pure algae, HERE. It’s affordable and energizing (don’t take it at night!). Or, if you think your gut is already compromised and you’d like to speed up its healing, try one packet of algae Essentials a day, which will help rebuild your digestive system’s health.
I myself recently partook of a cleansing diet for three weeks just to clean out and better prepare for the holiday season’s over-indulgence. It felt great, and I loved focusing on eating the way I should, every single day, during that period. But I also kept the algae pouring into my system… and came out on the other side a few pounds lighter and feeling joyful and positive.
Be honest with yourself. If you are on a self-medicating treadmill—no matter what your food/drug/substance of choice may be, or how often—I encourage you to hop off, try some seriously superior, wild-food nutrition, and remember what a balanced state of well being feels like!
Happy Holidays!
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