Whether you’d like to make a few extra dollars a month or accrue a small fortune over the next few years, the new exploding, international hemp industry offers a unique opportunity right now in terms of timing and unplumbed target markets. Do not pass GO before watching this 15-minute presentation, “The Time Is Now,” about why this market and THIS company, Prime My Body (PMB), merit your time and energy if you are wanting extra income! Then sign up HERE by hitting “ENROLL”!
In a nutshell, here are the few things you need to know in order to get started:
- For only $39 you become an Affiliate of this multi-million dollar, ground-breaking company and instantly have access to your own private back-office as well as ongoing training, materials and support.
- In order to get started, you will want to buy one of a broad selection of product packages. The larger the package, the lower the price per bottle of the products comprising it. Any way you go, you will be able to share and sell any extra bottles in plenty of time to recoup your initial expenditure within the first month. Often, the person who signed you up will want to buy some of your extra bottles for his or her own customer inventory–another way of helping with your initial expense.
- Whenever you sign someone up as a Direct Affiliate, you will be paid 25% of the price of their order.
- You can qualify for a Rookie Bonus of $500 if you sign four people up as Direct Affiliates during your first month of membership.
- You will be paid weekly once you start earning money, and you will earn bonuses down the road as your business grows.
- Most Important: After the 25% commission on people you sign up, you must stay “ACTIVE” and “QUALIFIED” in order to get paid on activity in your downline. If either of those two qualifications lapse, your earnings will roll up to the next person above you who is Active and Qualified.
- “ACTIVE” means you buy at least $89 worth of product each month. (One bottle of FOCUS or CALM set up as an automatic monthly shipment will keep you “Active.” There are several other products to choose from as well, including a pet formula, PAWS.)
- “QUALIFIED” means you have signed up at least TWO Direct Affiliates, and both of those affiliates must be at least “Active” but do not need to be “Qualified.”)
- With two or three “Active” Direct Affiliates, you will receive 50% of all activity in your downline. Once you have FOUR “Active” Direct Affiliates that percentage jumps to 80%.
- Downline activity is based not only on that of the Direct Affiliates you yourself have signed up, but also on Affiliates people in your upline have placed under you.*****

******This part of the compensation plan is based on a binary system in which you have two “legs,” each earning points as the people therein place orders and sign other people up. It is a brilliant system and extremely fair, as it keeps all participants on an equal footing as to their ability to earn. It may seem complex at first, but once you “get it” you’ll see how logical and balanced it truly is. If you’d like more detail on this part of the compensation plan, please “Contact Leta” for more information.
What are you waiting for? SIGN UP NOW — just click on “ENROLL” — and carve out a place high on your sponsor’s “tree” so that you can benefit from all the sales in that tree as it grows and flourishes!

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