Maybe it’s because we’re having more snow and cold than usual here in Northern New Mexico, but all I have to do is think about or look at my bed, and I can be out cold in 30 seconds or less. For hours. Any time, day or night.
Oh… except for waking up in the wee hours and then not being able to get back to sleep for a couple more (grrrr). What’s THAT all about?!
I wish I had a plan for lessening the hibernation urge right now so I could be more productive, but I don’t. So I’m mostly just kinda not worrying about it. If I feel the need for a nap, I just nap (even though I know I might not wake up for two or three hours!).
Maybe there’s some strange, esoteric ascension/vibrational thing going on. Or maybe just some kind of deep-healing thing that I’ve needed for a while. Whatever…… I’m giving into it. Sleeping a lot, and sleeping well, is HEAVEN!
……. Except for those weird couple of hours in the middle of the night. Please read on if you share that particular blip in your sleep patterns. If not, no worries… sleep on!
I DID come across a short and easy breathing exercise for getting back to sleep when you’re restless. As put forth by the esteemed Dr. Andrew Weil, coach of all health things natural and holistic. He swears this works! I have not really had a chance to test it out yet so can’t report. But I plan to. If you want to try it too, please let me and others know how it works for you.
It’s called the “4,7,8” breath exercise. And here’s how you do it:
- First (oddly): Touch the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth, behind your front teeth. KEEP it there through all of the following!
- With your tongue in place, exhale strenously and loudly THROUGH YOUR MOUTH! All your breath—OUT!! WHOOSH!!
- Next, inhale THROUGH YOUR NOSE ONLY, to the count of 4.
- Now, hold that breath for the count of 7 (Remember—your tongue is still touching the roof of your mouth! No cheating by relaxing that tongue!).
- Then, EXHALE your breath in a whooshie kind of way again, THROUGH YOUR MOUTH, to the count of EIGHT!!
Repeat this sequence three more times. That means four times total, and your tongue stays on the roof of your mouth for the entire FOUR TIMES.
This is supposed to put you to sleep within seconds or minutes (can’t remember which), but I can’t wait to test it out … in those few hours where I am experiencing insomnia instead of narcolepsy.
LOVE the narcolepsy! I’m SO all about this instead of the insomnia thing!
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