Health & Wealth for Humans and Their Animals

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How I Learned We Are All One – From the Grass

This idea, that we are all connected, are all “one,” has been promulgated through certain organized religion factions for a long, long time. Carl G. Jung, the famous psychiatrist and spiritualist dubbed this phenomenon as the “collective unconscious” and proclaimed that we are all part […]

Afterlife as an Afterthought?

You know how, if you ask somebody if they believe in Heaven or an afterlife, they usually say they don’t know? They just don’t know. They haven’t figured it out yet, or haven’t decided yet …  or just don’t believe in anything. This always astounds […]

The True Meaning of the Word “Cocky”

At the risk of inviting thousands of blog hits by folks searching for pornography (I should be so lucky – with the hits, I mean, not the porno freaks), I just today really grokked to the true essence of the word “cocky” and from whence […]

Ah . . . Back in the Saddle!

Well, not exactly, but fingers and toes crossed. This is my “mustang who thinks she’s hot stuff,” according to Copper the Quarter Horse, but who yes, did indeed buck someone off last weekend for the first time in her entire tenure as a riding horse. […]

I Guess There’s A First Time For Everything

As Told by Copper, the 32-Yr.-Old Quarter Horse. See this picture of my herd mate, Bella? She’s a Mustang, so she thinks she’s hot stuff!           Now look at this picture of me, Copper.                 […]

What’s In A Name? Well . . . Remember the Song “Wildfire”?

Remember the famous song “Wildfire,” by Michael Martin Murphy, in the mid-70’s? It was about a horse who lived up to his name. A taste of the lyrics and story: “Oh they say she died one winter when there came a killin’ frost, and the […]

Bombs Away! (Dive-Bombers, That Is.)

This weekend I accomplished a major feat for my feathered friends, the hens. Well . . . for the hens and Mr. Pants, the coming-of-age, very precocious rooster who was supposed to be a hen. In this part of the world — the high desert […]

Flower Essences Gave Gabriel A New Lease On Life

When I first met Gabriel in 1997, he was six years old and was at my friend the horse vet’s clinic. He had broken down completely after coming in off a long haul from a show circuit. Standing tied for 24 hours in a moving […]

Chiweenie Love

I thought it was about time I checked in with Tucker, my Chiweenie heartthrob, to find out how he feels about Frida, our Chihuahua puppy, since she’s now a little over three months old and has been here about seven weeks. Tucker just sighed and […]

A Heart-to-Heart Meditation to Help You Find Your Lost Animal

There is nothing sadder than losing an animal. The grief and anguish that accompany this kind of loss are almost unbearable. Unlike death, you don’t know for sure what condition or situation your animal is in, so all kinds of visions and awful scenarios take […]