Health & Wealth for Humans and Their Animals

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Animals Come Straight from the Heart – I Wish We Humans Did

You know when your dog is sad — he doesn’t hide it. And he’s just not going to feel better until you love him up and tell him it’s okay. And by the time you do,  you’re both so happy to be beyond the upset […]

We’re In Mourning

Mr. Pants became so adept and cavalier about his outings through the fence that he taught four other chicks his trick. But, not being Zen Buddhists like he is, they were not quite as quick on the draw about how to get back into safety. […]

How To Be Robert Redford

So, Copper, I know you are aware that our friend April says you look just like Robert Redford. What do you think of that? I like it. I think she’s right. Do you know who “Robert Redford” is? I get the idea. I know who […]

When to Keep Your Trap Shut

This is a tough one. Especially when you are, ahem, “serving” in a professional capacity. Here are a few suggestions for when to keep your mouth shut: *  When you don’t know what to say. *  When it is none of your business. *  When […]

Is “Mr. Pants” a Buddhist Monk?

One of Bessie’s chicks has notably long legs and is bigger than all the rest. A friend and I immediately pegged this baby as, horror of horrors, a rooster! I only say “horrors” because all ten chicks I bought were supposed to be hens, which […]

Miracles Really DO Happen — at least they do to me . . .

Once upon a time, in the middle of the 20th century, a beautiful nature spirit was born, in the form of a human woman. This woman was named Susan Hertel and she spoke to all of nature and painted it as well, and became quite […]

Copper is a Channel!!!

I have a friend. Her name is April. April had a horse whose name was “Mo.”  She had him for 30 years — since she was 11 and he was 6 months old. She lost him just a couple of years ago. She and I […]

Horse Traders vs. Horse Traitors

I think we all know what a horse trader is. That’s the person who buys horses like this poor fellow here, cheap, usually because they’re in a bad way. They then pump them up cosmetically, often masking weaknesses with drugs, and resell them for a […]

Bionic Chicks!

Bessie’s chicks are two weeks old today. And they’re totally bionic! They’re not only huge for their age, they are breaking all the rules. For one thing, to my understanding, chicks are supposed to be kept above 90 degrees farenheit until they have lost all […]

Appreciation is the Name of the Game

My mantra for the last few years has been simple: To live life well. I am not “religious” in the way our culture views that term, and I don’t know the Bible well, but I do know that one of Christ’s urgings to his followers […]