Recent Posts
Animals’ Memories: Are They Like Ours?
Well, I of course can’t say for sure, but based on my communications with animals for the past 20 years, I’d say animals’ memories are pretty much the same as ours. And if not exactly the same, they are at least as important. That said, […]
Do Mustangs Have a “Group Mind?”
Something happened today that brought this question to mind. No. It brought something like a KNOWING to mind: that Mustangs–even those domesticated and in captivity–share what’s known as a “group mind.” If you’ve ever watched a large school of fish swimming, or birds flying, then […]
Do You Self-Medicate?
I haven’t posted about healthy nutrition in a while, but with the holiday season in full swing and our tendency to, ahem, over-indulge, it felt like a timely topic. Including, of course, an easy solution for how to amp up your nutrition while enjoying your […]
Animals Have Souls Too
I just received this lovely post from Sylvia R. Penalozza Ortiz who lives in Lima, Peru. Her summation on the spirits and souls of animals is so well-stated that I wanted to put it up here for all to enjoy. This is exactly how I myself feel […]
What It Really Means to Have an “Open Heart”
Many do not believe in an afterlife. And even if they do, most believe it is not possible to talk to those who have departed… certainly not animals. But for those of you who do believe in such things I am happy to share this […]
When to “Look the Other Way”
This doesn’t mean what it sounds like, so bear with me. While the tragedy of losing 19 firefighters in Arizona was still fresh in everyone’s minds in the summer of 2013, I happened upon a radio interview of an elder shaman from one of the […]
The Case of “Cinco” – Grand Prix Jumper Prospect Gone Awry!
Meet Cinco, the 17-2, 1500-lb. 8-year-old Holsteiner who was bred and born for jumping. Cinco is perfect in every way for this career… except that he just can’t handle it. He either doesn’t want to move forward or freaks out—bucking, rearing, spinning, and generally putting […]
Animal Omens & Totems
A friend of mine has been looking for rural horse property for a long time. Nothing yet has been just right. And after she goes to visit a place for sale, she is often visited in her dreams with messages and impressions that lead her […]
Centered Riding with Lucile Bump in Santa Fe, New Mexico
This past weekend about 20 of us New Mexico horsey-types had the distinct pleasure and rare opportunity to learn from Lucile Bump, a certified Level 4 Centered Riding instructor. Whether riding or auditing, we all took away priceless knowledge and awareness. Because the moral of […]
Animal Death, Afterlife, and Reincarnation
I’m writing a book on these topics now, to be woven around the direct reports, stories, and words of my animal clients themselves. I see more concern and grief over losing one’s beloved animal companion than almost anything else, and as an animal communicator I […]
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