This is one of my favorite morning coffee spots, and today, soaking up its beauty, I was meditating on what gifts we can offer ourselves that make us feel whole and full of grace.
Gratefulness came first, because I was feeling full of it as I sat, savoring the play of morning light through the landscape and watching my furry ones darting through the rocks and trees. Spending just a few minutes each day feeling grateful floods our cells and our entire being with divine light. It’s the most delicious feeling of goosebumps all over–kind of like falling in love!
Next I thought about forgiveness and how, in the past, when I have felt hurt or offended, finally reaching the point where I’m done with it and hold no residual ill will or energy toward the perceived offender, the sensation is like having a wet, heavy, wool coat removed from my shoulders. It’s an incredible blessing, that feeling, and lightens us immeasurably in our vibratory level, improving our health in every respect. Forgiveness often can’t be rushed, but does become easier with practice. Holding a grudge literally HURTS and keeps us bogged down in an awful state of mind, so forgiveness is one of the greatest gifts we can offer ourselves.
These thoughts were overwhelming this morning, so I felt moved to share them in case they might help anyone get through these especially violent and tragic happenings of late. Try a little gratefulness today and, if you’re ready and can feel it in your heart, a little forgiveness too. Maybe it will take some of the heaviness away and lighten the psychic load.
Blessings to all.
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