Health & Wealth for Humans and Their Animals

Tag: Animal communication

The Power of Intention

As all good friends know, I had a meltdown when I lost my guardian angel Great Pyrenees, Bear, on October 12th. By the end of September, the writing was on the wall, I was going under emotionally, and so I put myself on a strictly […]

Are You Honoring Your “Bunny Essence”

Have you ever wondered why the Chinese Zodiac is linked to animals? The year of the Dog, the year of the Horse, and so on. (I myself am a Rooster.) An eye-opening animal communication session I had recently got me to thinking that perhaps the […]

What It Really Means to Have an “Open Heart”

Many do not believe in an afterlife. And even if they do, most believe it is not possible to talk to those who have departed… certainly not animals. But for those of you who do believe in such things I am happy to share this […]

The Case of “Cinco” – Grand Prix Jumper Prospect Gone Awry!

Meet Cinco, the 17-2, 1500-lb. 8-year-old Holsteiner who was bred and born for jumping. Cinco is perfect in every way for this career… except that he just can’t handle it. He either doesn’t want to move forward or freaks out—bucking, rearing, spinning, and generally putting […]

Sally Salazar, Teenage Pet Psychic, Can Talk to Animals! The Case of the Bedridden Bunny…

Okay animal communication friends! The first in my kids’ book series went live today on Kindle: “The Adventures of Sally Salazar, Teenage Pet Psychic – The Case of the Bedridden Bunny.” You can see/order it HERE on Kindle for just $2.99. If you’re an Amazon Prime […]

Multi-Dimensional Disease – How Does it Affect Health and Wellness?

This is not a happy post. Does it seem to you, as it does to me, that the more advanced, scientific knowledge we accrue about disease, the more delicate, elusive, and enigmatic true health and wellness become? I have a client (of the canine persuasion) […]

Learn How to Talk to Animals – A Practical Guide for a Magical Journey

Yes! My book by that same name is finally up on Kindle at! It should be in print on Amazon soon. AND, if you have a Kindle e-reader you can “borrow” it for free through Kindle’s new ADP Select program. If you read it, […]

How to Tell Your Dog When You Are Coming Home … and Why

You’re reading this blog, so you’re an animal lover, right? Many of you would go one step further and say your animals are your children, right? Well, would you leave your children home without telling them when you’ll be back? That right there says it all, […]

Is Your Soul Mate An Animal?

Is that even possible? Hamilton says it’s not only possible, it simply IS. Over the years I have had many human clients who, upon the loss of their beloved animal, felt they could not go on. They could not function. They weren’t eating or sleeping […]

What Makes a Successful Blog? Your Voice!

What makes a successful blog? YOUR VOICE. But no, you don’t have to sing like this little character here. And why am I, an animal communicator, blogging about blogging? Well . . . since my blog is about  ‘a day in the life of an […]