Tag: Animal communication
The Cat & Mouse Game — Reconciling the Predator/Prey Phenomenon
A while back I posted a blog that questioned whether we could override an animal’s instinctive behavior through animal communication (you can read that post HERE). In it I talked about how I appealed to my cat, Lily, to please stop killing birds. Mice in […]
What Kind of Animal Communicator do YOU Want?
I put the emphasis on the YOU here because this life is all about “different strokes for different folks.” Since we are all, each and every one of us, unique and special, we each respond differently to people and situations. Therefore, “What’s good for the […]
Animal Communication – How Do Animals Perceive?
This is a big, big question, and one that is receiving more and more study and attention as time goes by. Learning more about how our planetary co-habitants perceive and understand their environment offers us humans invaluable information for moving forward both scientifically and sociologically. […]
Animal Communication – What Do Our Animals Want When It’s Their Time To Pass Over?
In my practice I am frequently called upon to help with end-of-life issues. When an animal is old and nearing its “time,” or when it is suffering tremendously or extremely ill, its caretaker or human companion is often anguished and at a loss as to […]
The Devotion of Our Rescues – Including Mine
Just about every animal lover these days has one or more rescues. Be they canine, feline, or equine — and sometimes feathered and finned as well — there are more and more rescued animals being taken into forever homes every day. Go online and you […]
Animal Communication in Santa Fe, New Mexico
WHOOOOOSH !! That’s what this past Saturday felt like to me — like I was caught up in a maelstrom of rushing energy that was taking me for a joy ride. Saturday was the day I participated in a multi-pronged fund-raising effort benefiting a Santa […]
Animal Communication – Protecting Your Power
If you’re an animal communicator, you’re almost certainly what’s known as an empath. An empath is someone who can pick up empathically the feelings of another. It’s kind of like vicariously experiencing the thoughts or feelings of someone else without having been given any objective […]
Animal Communication and Grief – Try The Blue Ribbon Exercise
In my last post I talked about how emotion is one of the factors that can keep an animal communicator from being a clear channel. I know of no emotion that can do that more suddenly and dramatically than grief. Although grief is an important […]
Animal Communication – Being a “Clear Channel”
Not that talking to animals is channeling. That’s not what I mean. In fact, as we have emphasized many times before, animal communication is a telepathic conversation, not a psychic phenomenon. Yes, sometimes psychic signals do come into the picture because some people are gifted […]
Animal Communication – Can Intention Override Instinct? Hmmmm . . .
A lot of people seem to think that if you can talk to an animal then you can make it do anything you want — kind of like a puppet on a string. They want us animal communicators to talk their dog out of eating […]
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