Health & Wealth for Humans and Their Animals

Tag: healing

Square Peg in a Round Hole – What is YOUR Healing Journey Like?

I recently had the most startling memory. I was chopping up sweet potatoes and broccoli for my dogs’ natural diet when it came to me. I have never had this memory before, and it must have been from when I was three or four years […]

What It Really Means to Have an “Open Heart”

Many do not believe in an afterlife. And even if they do, most believe it is not possible to talk to those who have departed… certainly not animals. But for those of you who do believe in such things I am happy to share this […]

Is There a Connection Between Iron and Laminitis in Horses?

If you’ve ever gone through a laminitis episode with one of your horses, whether acute and later resolved, or chronic and ongoing, you know what a nightmare it presents—both for you, the owner, and, more painfully, for your poor horse. More and more is being […]

Fighting Healing – Oh Let Me Count the Ways

This is about me. And it’s personal. But maybe some of you can relate, so I’m going on record and exposing one of my greatest weaknesses. And if it helps just one person not do what I’ve done, it’ll be worth it. I haven’t been […]

What Would You Be Giving Up If You Got Well?

I know that sounds backwards. Counter-intuitive. Wrong somehow. But think about it. I don’t remember which of my spiritual teachers asked me this question many, many years ago, or what the circumstances were, but I have thought about it often since and shared it with […]

The “Window of Normal Emotions” – How It Can Help Us Heal

We all know how, when we’re  really sick, anything and everything in life feels insurmountable. You have a high fever, or a migraine headache, or you’re throwing up and having diarrhea at the same time.  Even thinking about a routine day or going to work […]

More on Stem Cell Therapy and StemPlex – A Powerful Aid to Healing

WEEKEND BLOGS ARE DEVOTED TO HEALTH. THIS POST IS A FOLLOW-UP TO A PREVIOUS ARTICLE ON STEM CELLS AND WAS WRITTEN BY MY ALGAE UPLINE, ALAN JOEL. I recently wrote about my own experiences with a stem cell therapy product called StemPlex, made by Simplexity […]