The weeks have passed. And Bear passed with grace and dignity, in spite of her difficulties, but then let me know that she would still keep watch on my family and my property until she knew I had some“thing” in place to fill that need. She took her job very seriously, and her dedication to my safety was 150%, never-wavering.
So, as you also may know, and since Bear’s particular attributes made me a total devotee of the Great Pyrenees breed of dog, I gifted myself with a baby the day before Christmas Eve. Also a Great Pyrenees. Also a female. Name, hmmm? … I am still figuring out who she is, a couple of weeks later.

Anyway, that is not the point of this post. The point is that now, on January 4th, after a good three months of total rest from my work and honoring my own needs–which have involved hours and hours of laziness, naps, hanging out with my horses, and binge-watching all kinds of t.v. series–this morning I all of a sudden KNEW that I was ready. Ready to get back to it, to try to use my interspecies communication skills to help others again, not only with their feathered, scaled and furry loved ones, but also to open their own psychic doors in order to better understand the intricate web of Oneness we are all a part of here on Earth.
So wow! Just open the doors of intention and whatever it is you are ready for will start pouring in! Three consultation requests came in immediately today, including one dear kitty destined for the Rainbow Bridge just this evening—they just FLEW in via email, requests for help, help, help.
And… the BEST thing! I felt not only ready for it but excited, inspired, and honored to be a part of the work again. So I’m thrilled to be back to my work, am “open for business,” and will be re-scheduling the two animal communication workshops I cancelled in the Fall.
Meanwhile, little what’s her name (Snowy Chloe / Holy Terruh Clara / or Eliza —still not quite sure), is keeping me SUPER busy and on my toes so she doesn’t chew off the other dogs’ or cats’ ears when in playful mode. Nothing like baby excitement about the world to help us remember what it’s all about, right?!
Thank you, Universe and all my angels, for hearing my intentions and honoring them so completely. Intention is THE most powerful action tool we possess! Happy New Year to all!
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