I’m talking about mi Corazon (registered name “Ruby Rose Bud”). I call her Corazon (Spanish for “heart”) instead of Ruby now because she has a heart as big as Texas. And I should know because I’m from Texas.
Really. Corazon tries her hardest to do right, no matter who is riding her. One friend started crying at the end of her first ride on Corazon because she felt so grateful for Corazon’s sweet disposition and cooperation.
So what’s the ranch horse connection?
I bought Corazon three months ago. I’d been looking for a gentle second riding horse for a while, and a couple of good leads had fallen through. My wonderful riding instructor, Christina, had gone to test Corazon as a candidate for a therapeutic riding program (Corazon failed, for a very minor reason) and emailed me immediately saying “This mare is a gem!”
So I went to see Corazon and snapped her up. She was definitely a gem!
Corazon had not been ridden in months and had lived alone in a small pen with no other horses during that time. She was out of shape and, quite frankly, depressed. But she was so eager to please she was totally amenable to whatever anyone wanted to do with her.
But something was missing — there was just no animation there. I suspected emotional difficulties.

Fortunately, she and my heartthrob mare, Bella, bonded instantly, and that relationship plus access to lots of acreage to roam around in got Corazon moving. She was off-balance the first few times we rode her, but she was willing to do anything we asked for.
Corazon’s previous owner bought her from a working ranch (Corazon’s bloodlines are primo — she has two grandpas in the Quarter Horse Hall of Fame). Even when infrequently ridden, she was always great on the trail and very calm. BUT, apparently Corazon was SO calm she was hard to get into a canter.
So Christina tested Corazon out during a lesson at my place about a month after I got her. When Christina was finally able to urge Corazon into a lope, which was not easy, Corazon began to buck. Now this mare does not have the personality of a bucker, so this action confirmed my suspicion that she had some major body problems and pain going on. Christina agreed.
So where are we going with all this?
Well . . . I’ve done extensive body work on Corazon, with lots of big releases and sighs on her part, given her lots of superfood and nutritional supplements, and also finally had a good, deep discussion with her. And here’s what she told me.
- She had a bad accident as a baby, while running beside her mother. She fell and landed, hard, on her right shoulder, wrenching her neck and back in a way she has never recovered from.
- Because of this she was never able to do some of the things that she was asked to do when she started being trained as a young ranch horse.
- When she was tested on cows she could not respond fast enough. She felt a lot of derision from humans.
- She was deemed a failure by humans. She was considered to be “lazy.” She felt shunned.
- She knew she was supposed to be a great ranch/cow horse, but she utterly failed. So she was sold.
- She would love to be able to really run, or at least lope comfortably, but has never been able to because of pain.
My work is cut out for me. As an animal communicator it is my duty and desire to let Corazon know someone finally understands her dilemma. And as a student of herbology, nutrition, homeopathy, and body work, it is my duty and desire to help bring Corazon through her pysical and emotional roadblocks.
And as her forever caretaker . . . well . . . I just want her to know how much I adore her and that she is a treasure.
The most amazing thing about all of this is that, no matter what, Corazon always gives her all. She does her best!
The bottom line?
Corazon is such a solid and dependable girl that, despite her own self-doubts and physical pain, I can put any guest or child on her for a lovely and gentle ride. Now I just have to convince her of her worthiness and that she is not a failure. AND help calm her bodily aches and pains.
And it is in MY heart, Corazon, to do this.
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